The Relationship DNA: The purpose of relationships is to reveal unresolved issues and the levels of self-improvement needed to mature you mentally, emotionally, and spiritually.
We use the podcast to explore the thought process of Men and Women to explore beyond societal standards and narratives to unveil the multiple lenses that Men and Women can use to view daily situations in a relationship.
We believe in debunking the relationship myths and negative narratives. One's pessimistic view from a negative experience is not a benchmark to disseminate false realities. In relationships, you will only experience what is at your level. If you did not like the experience, then there is internal work needed to experience a higher level of relationship.
These two quotes resonate with our purpose:
"Relationship is a mirror in which I see myself as I am. Your partner reveals your unresolved self-work."
J. Krishnamurti
"A relationship is a highly reflective classroom where the feedback you get from your partner is your inner curriculum."
Zo Williams
In this episode, the social media manifestation of Ciara's Prayer. Popstar Ciara fell in love with rap artist Future, and they split are they produced a child together (her first, his fifth). Ciara then met in fell in love with Football Quarterback, Russell Wilson. Can a prayer really produce the mate of your dreams? Does God really provide your dating experiences? Why are women more attracted to the Futures than they are to the Russell Wilsons? Did Ciara really have a prayer or did she settle? Or did she smarten up? Why do nice guys finish last to bad boys? Press play and listen as enjoy the banter of toxic dating.
In this episode, we explore the various elements of co-parenting. Why is it so hard to co-parent? What are the top issues that plague co-parenting? Why do most mothers see the child(ren) as theirs alone and not both parents? Why do custodial parents stress the child support aspect more than the connection and bond with the child(ren) and the non-custodial parents? If the courts granted custody to the parent not asking for child support, would the custodial parents still go to court? Press play and listen as enjoy the ride while two parents discuss the highs and lows of co-parenting.
In this episode, we explore the idea of being complete. Does completeness come from outside or within? Is it possible for others to complete you? Should we even seek completeness outside self? Can God complete us or are we already complete because God is in us? Press play and listen as we various aspects of being complete, and where God's divineness fits in.
In this episode, I have a conversation with my oldest child. My son, Destin, joins the podcast to discuss manhood. I was curious to know what he has learned about being a man up to now. Press play and listen to the young I am proud to call... my son.
In this episode, we explore the concept of being reborn. Can you be reborn or redefined without a death process? Can you keep old characteristics and still be considered new? Why can we expect a baptized notion of death but cannot expect therapeutic sense? If therapy is the faster path to mental correction, why do some many of us avoid it?
Press play and listen to us take a tour on the symbolic ideology being reborn characteristically and mentally.
In this episode, we go through the layers of unrealistic expectations in relationship dating. Do you actually know what you signed up for? Does you partner know? Did you both have an agreement or a conversation?
Was your expectations conveyed clearly, were you direct, and did your partner agree? Is it okay to abandon a situation if you’re not getting what you didn’t convey, and if you did convey it, is it still fair to leave?
Press play and listen to us take a journey on unrealistic expectations and contractual dating
In this episode, we explore the idea of marriage while examining the symbols versus the substance. Many place the rings, the event, and the memory over the longevity. Many prefer being able to state they are married versus proclaiming they are in a happy and successful marriage. Press play and listen as we discuss marriage, divorce, goals, and mindsets of modern married life.
In this episode, we explore recognizing poor characteristics in a mate while not recognizing those traits in self. Does blaming the person you dated motivate or stagnate self-growth? If the law of attraction is real, how do you keep attracting poor dating experiences? Press play and listen as we try to identify poor attributes and self-ignorance.
In this episode, we explore the use of the word LOVE, societal confusion, and its true meaning. Because so many apply their definitions through personal pain, the word becomes commonality for staying too long versus unconditional commitment. Love has true meaning and is not a misnomer, nor does it have anything to do with lust. Press play and listen as we tap into the different thoughts about LOVE and its origin.
Featured Guest: Dina (Host of the "Not For Everybody Podcast")
In this episode, we will explore suicidal thoughts, what causes them and how to outlast them. Life is a cruel place, and standardize upbringings do not prepare us to handle it. We grow up believing in Santa Clauses, Easter Bunnies, Halloween’s, Valentine’s Days, Princesses, and Knights In Shining Armors. It is not until the world sees you as an adult that you get a reality check, and it hits you like a speeding truck. Press play and listen to us brainstorm on how one may attempt to unblock a defeated mindset.
In this episode, we will discuss ways to forgive our present, past, and future, especially with family. The connection to one’s family may have more impact than any preparational course for life. Your origins and secrets can unlock all repressed thoughts and have a positive or negative effect on you. Press play and listen to us explore forgiveness, family, and the future.
In this episode, we will discuss ways to improve relationships and communication between men and women. Typically, one only looks from their gender’s point of view and never the opposite. To thoroughly improve our connections, we must think from both sides of the coin. Press play and listen to us explore where we can both make improvements.
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